Toll Free: (877) 449-4436 (4HYGIENE)
Telephone: (310) 370-8370
Facsimile: (310) 370-2474

Client Description: Building Owner

HygieneTech has performed ACM identification surveys on a routine basis and, when appropriate, abatement recommendations are made. Bulk samples are analyzed for asbestos by polarized light microscopy with dispersion staining and/or by transmission electron microscopy. When appropriate, quantitation estimates are made using the point counting method or by x-ray diffraction.

HygieneTech has provided project design services and has prepared abatement work plans and bid specifications. Certified Industrial Hygienists and Asbestos Consultants reviewed abatement contractor qualification documents and abatement notifications. Industrial hygienists performed abatement site surveillance, background and area air monitoring, and clearance surveys. Air samples were analyzed by phase contrast microscopy and/or transmission electron microscopy. All such data were reviewed for the purpose of evaluating exposure potentials to airborne fibers and asbestos structures.