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Client Description: Soap Manufacturing Facility

In addition to air and noise monitoring, ventilation face velocity measurements were measured at a soap manufacturing facility located in Dominica. Direct-reading hood face velocities were measured at the hood openings of laboratory fume hoods using an Alnor CompuFlow Model 8570 anemometer. Velocity measurements were made using a grid pattern across the face of each hood to effectively calculate an average hood-face velocity in feet per minute (ft/min). Note that face velocity measurements were also recorded for a local exhaust ventilation system used during powder transfer operations.

The velocity face measurements taken in the laboratory at the double hood indicated that the average face velocity measured at each hood face was greater when one sash was fully open and the other was fully closed, and each individual grid measurement exceeded the minimum recommended OSHA and/or ACGIH velocities when the velocity control setting was increased. The uniformity of individual face velocity grid measurements across both the left and right hood faces showed great variation which may be the result of the positioning of the exhaust fan and/or the objects, which included a large moisture balance and large burner, located within the hoods.

The velocity face measurements taken in the laboratory at the smaller hood indicated that the average face velocity measure at the hood face exceeded the minimum recommended OSHA and ACGIH velocities when the sash was lowered to the marked line. Also note that the individual face velocity grid measurements taken at both sash positions showed only slight variation in uniformity, and no face velocity measurement was more than plus or minus 20 percent of the average as recommended by ANSI and AIHA. The Alnor pressure sensor located on the side exterior of the hood was not functioning at the time of the survey, and HygieneTech recommended that this sensor be returned to functioning order.

The initial velocity face measurements taken at the local exhaust ventilation system used during powder transfer operations indicated that the fan was spinning in the wrong direction. Maintenance corrected the mistake and the hood face velocity was then measured at an operating range of 600 to 1000 ft/min, with the pressure gauge reading 0.8 psig. Note that the personal air monitoring data recorded during the surveys indicated that the exhaust, when functioning correctly, was sufficient in reducing airborne exposure to titanium dioxide.

HygieneTech also performed a qualitative hazard assessment while at the facility in which included a review of material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and other process-related documents, as well as a site walkthrough to assess safety conditions. Items addressed included: lack of seatbelt use by forklift operators; lack of an adequate eyewash/shower station where corrosive substances were handled; fire extinguisher inspection frequency; better recordkeeping with regard to employee attendance at morning safety meetings; bonding and grounding techniques while transferring flammable liquids; proper guardrail height; and accessibility of fire extinguishers.