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Client Description: Manufacturing Facilities

Until feasible engineering controls could be implemented, dual hearing protection offered by wearing both earmuffs and foam earplugs was recommended for employees performing grinding operations using a pneumatic grinder because the noise level was extremely high and the use of foam earplugs as the sole means of hearing protection may not offer sufficient protection.

Heat stress potentials were investigated through observations and previous survey data for employees operating curing ovens. According to the monitoring data recorded in during the previous survey, the wet bulb-globe temperature (WBGT) readings recorded around the ovens were approaching 32ºC. Note that work activities observed in this area required light physical activity, and employees did not spend much time operating the ovens. Therefore, a GBZ (People’s Republic of China) exposure limit for WBGT of 33ºC was applicable for this working environment. Also, note that there was an air-conditioned rest room near the workshop and drinks were provided in this room. Employees were able to periodically rest in that room. Therefore, heat stress risk in this workshop area was considered under reasonable control.

Hand-arm vibration was also brought to the employer’s attention as a concern in several areas during grinding operations because the some of the operators used high speed pneumatic grinders.

The facility had several laser cutting systems with either a Class 4 or Class 3a rating. Containment of the laser cutting heads and positioning of the lasers with respect to the operators were assessed at each machine. The employees were not expected to be exposed to laser radiation during routine cutting operations and all workers wore appropriate eye protection.