Hygiene Technologies International, Inc.

HygieneTech has extensive experience serving clients in both the private and public sectors, including governmental agencies, law firms, insurance carriers, and companies in the environmental, aerospace, engineering, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and geotechnical industries.

Industry Activities

Thousands of employers and workers across the country stand-down to prevent falls

From May 8 to12, employers, workers and safety professionals from across the country joined OSHA and partners in the National Safety Stand-Down  to prevent falls. The weeklong event encouraged construction industry employers to emphasize the importance of preventing dangerous on-the-job falls - not just for one week, but throughout the year. This is the fourth year OSHA has hosted the national stand-down.

  • Turner Construction Co. stopped work on more than 1,000 projects around the world to engage trade contractors on safety.
  • Developer Skanska USA held a "Ballpark Grand Slam for Safety" at the fairgrounds at Nationals Park in Washington, DC. that featured demonstrations on fall prevention, displays of fall protection equipment, and awards for top-performing supervisors.
  • Werner Ladder sent 30 safety demonstration trucks to jobsites across the country, reaching 25,000 workers.

Thousands of other employers have shared photos of their stand-down events on Twitter using #StandDown4Safety . We are retweeting some of our favorites and encourage the continued submission of photos using this hashtag. For more information on the stand-down and preventing falls in construction, visit the National Safety Stand-Down webpage .


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