Hygiene Technologies International, Inc.

HygieneTech has extensive experience serving clients in both the private and public sectors, including governmental agencies, law firms, insurance carriers, and companies in the environmental, aerospace, engineering, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and geotechnical industries.

Industry Activities

OSHA Extends Some Compliance Dates for General Industry Beryllium Standard

OSHA issued a final rule to extend the compliance date for specific ancillary requirements in the general industry beryllium standard to Dec. 12. The extension applies to methods of compliance, beryllium work areas, regulated areas, personal protective clothing and equipment, hygiene facilities and practices, housekeeping, hazard communication, and recordkeeping. During this time, the agency will prepare a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to clarify certain provisions that maintain worker safety and health, and address employers’ concerns with compliance. Read the news release for more information.

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