Hygiene Technologies International, Inc.

HygieneTech has extensive experience serving clients in both the private and public sectors, including governmental agencies, law firms, insurance carriers, and companies in the environmental, aerospace, engineering, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and geotechnical industries.

Industry Activities

Industry groups form alliances with OSHA to better protect the safety and health of workers

The OSHA Alliance Program fosters collaborative relationships with groups committed to worker safety and health. Alliance partners help OSHA reach targeted audiences, such as employers and workers in high-hazard industries, and give them better access to workplace safety and health tools and information.

  • The Gulf Coast Safety Council  renewed a three-year agreement  to address safety and health hazards associated with the local petrochemical industry, including falls, equipment operation, and chemical hazard communication. The alliance has delivered training for contractors and business owners, reaching more than 39,500 people.
  • The Louisiana Forestry Association/Louisiana Logging Council  renewed a three-year agreement  to address safety and health hazards associated with the local logging industry, including struck-by, falls, caught-in-between, equipment operation, and environmental hazards. Last year more than 600 people attended 26 council chapter meetings held to help keep loggers informed about the industry hazards.
  • The DJ Basin Safety Council  renewed a four-year agreement  to address safety and health hazards in the upstream oil and gas industry, including hydrocarbon exposures, fires/explosions, falls, struck-by, and transportation/driving.
  • The American Society of Safety Engineers - Big Sky Chapter  renewed a five-year agreement  to address safety and health hazards, including woodworking and walking/working surfaces in general industry; and trenching/excavation, temporary workers, and falls in construction.


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