Hygiene Technologies International, Inc.

HygieneTech has extensive experience serving clients in both the private and public sectors, including governmental agencies, law firms, insurance carriers, and companies in the environmental, aerospace, engineering, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and geotechnical industries.

Industry Activities

OSHA Alliances Seek to Protect the Safety and Health of Construction Workers

OSHA's Strategic Partnership Program provides opportunities for OSHA to partner with employers, workers, professional or trade associations, labor organizations, and other interested stakeholders. Strategic Partnerships are designed to eliminate serious hazards and enhance workplace safety and health practices in major corporations, government agencies, private sector industries, and at large construction projects.

  • OSHA signed a strategic partnership with Miron Construction Company Inc., the Wisconsin On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program, 23 contractors and subcontractors, five local trade unions, and an insurance risk consultant. Participants agreed to promote worker safety and health on a dormitory renovation project at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
  • OSHA, along with the Connecticut Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Division, the New Haven Building Trades, and Dimeo Construction Co. signed a strategic partnership to promote workplace safety and health, and educate employees on hazards during construction of a new science building in New Haven.


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