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Client Description: Mill and Clothing Manufacturing Facility

A total of 16 area air samples for fabric dust and fibers were collected at t he fabric batching machine and at the laminating line. These samples were collected at the specific positions where airborne fabric dust and fibers were most likely generated during the fabric batching and laminating operations. Some of the employees working at the monitored areas were observed wearing disposable surgical masks.

The area air sampling data recorded indicated that exposure potential s to fibers and total dust for the persons occupying or passing through the area s monitored were below the applicable GBZ 2.1-2007 permissible concentrations or ACGIH TLVs. However, note that substantial accumulations of fibrous dusts were observed on the surfaces of machines and/or work tables during the fabric batching and laminating operations. Although the controls were sufficient to keep the airborne fiber/dust levels well below the referenced exposure limits, good work practices were recommended to maintain a clean work environment. Additionally, the disposable surgical masks observed worn at the time of the survey, which offer no rated protection factors, should not be used by employees if those employees have the understanding that those masks offer respiratory protection. HygieneTech recommended that if any employee chooses to wear a respirator or if respiratory protection is required by the employee or for any other reason, then a NIOSH approved respirator that offers a rated protection factor against an environmental contaminant(s) of concern should be used by employees.