Client Description: Public Utility
HygieneTech performed industrial hygiene surveys for the purpose of determining operations and maintenance field worker exposures to carbon monoxide, welding fume, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, and trace contaminants of aromatics and organic metals in natural gas lines. Among the individuals included in the surveys were pipeline operators, distribution line maintenance personnel, and heavy equipment operators.
HygieneTech prepared site health and safety plans in connection with remediation projects involving excavation of soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at former coal gasification sites. Certified Industrial Hygienists served as site safety officers, conducted daily site inspections and safety meetings, consulted on varying issues such as decontamination protocols and the use of personal protective equipment, and acted as liaison between the client and regulatory agencies. Industrial hygienists performed environmental and personal air monitoring in order to determine potential exposures of site personnel and other receptors to chemical substances and physical agents. Such monitoring was performed in accordance with appropriate analytical methods and/or with the use of direct-reading instruments, such as flame ionization and photoionization detectors. All analytical data were evaluated in light of applicable regulations.
HygieneTech prepared asbestos abatement work plans and bid specifications, and provided project design, project management, site surveillance, and air monitoring services in connection with multiple asbestos abatement projects in buildings and at various pipeline locations. HygieneTech performed ACM identification surveys at multiple facilities and prepared individual Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Programs for each of the sites.