Client Description: Manufacturing Facilities
HygieneTech performed industrial hygiene surveys at both domestic and foreign facilities in order to determine employee exposures to degreasing solvents, inorganic acids, and welding fume during typical and specialized production activities. Samples were collected over full-shift and short-term periods to determine exposures that were later compared to regulatory limits. Photoionization detectors and other direct-reading instruments were used to supplement exposure potential data. A statistical analysis of the data was performed to determine the geometric mean and geometric standard deviation. F-tests were performed using the data to determine whether any differences existed among the means of several populations.
Air samples for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, diesel exhaust, and volatile organic compounds were collected at loading dock areas in order to determine employee exposure potentials to truck exhaust emissions. Background air samples were collected at off-site locations for comparison purposes.
Safety audits were performed at multiple facilities. Accident records were reviewed, and facility inspections were performed in order to identify unsafe conditions and acts. The primary concerns included machine guarding, fire prevention, storage of hazardous materials, confined space entry, forklift safety, and lockout/tag out programs. Annual audits have been performed in order to update assessment information and to verify compliance with corrective action recommendations.
HygieneTech prepared an injury and illness prevention, confined space entry, chemical hygiene, lockout/tag out, respiratory protection, hazard communication, hearing conservation, and accident investigation programs. Occupational health and safety training involving these and other topics have been conducted at both U.S. and foreign facilities.